Anas Siddiqui

7 School Issues That Negatively Impact Student Learning
Ensuring that students hit learning milestones and are, thus, able to move forward into higher education and the workforce is ...

Why do Businesses apply for Funding?
The survival rate for SMEs is notoriously low. According to data gathered by the Office for National Statistics, around 11% ...

Scraping Vs. Buying Business Prospects: Things to Consider
For most brands today, the most pressing need is data. They need data to make critical business decisions and steer ...

How to Get Your Music Heard by Record Labels
Getting discovered by music execs these days is like playing the lottery. The only difference is that your talent and ...

How to Cut Your Heating Bills
Winter is on its way to the UK once more and with it comes darker days and freezing nights, encouraging ...

4 Reasons Why You Should Study Engineering
Engineering is an ever-evolving subject that combines maths and scientific principles to solve problems. Within this subject, there is exposure ...

High blood pressure: Hypertension treatment includes liquorice tea
Blood pressure naturally rises and falls throughout the day, but persistently high blood pressure requires your heart to work harder ...

What Makes for a Successful Management Buyout Process?
In the business world, a management buyout process happens when the management team at a company acquire the company by ...

4 Christmas Movies You Must Show Your Kids
Christmas is a period for spending quality time with your family and there’s no better way of doing that than ...

Pros and Cons of a Refurbished Mobile Phone
In the tech-focused world of today, phones are constantly evolving year on year, and it can be difficult to keep ...