Blood pressure naturally rises and falls throughout the day, but persistently high blood pressure requires your heart to work harder to pump blood throughout your body. As a result, you’re more likely to have a heart attack. As a result, lowering a high blood pressure level is critical.
His blood pressure was dangerously high, and he had a headache, light sensitivity, chest pain, weariness, and calves fluid retention.
The patient, who had a history of high blood pressure, told doctors that he had been drinking one to two glasses of homemade liquorice root extract called “erk sous” everyday for two weeks prior to admission to the hospital and treatment.
In the Middle East and portions of Europe, licorice tea is popular, and erk sous is especially popular in Egypt during Ramadan.
Doctor Jean-Pierre Falet, Department of Neurology, McGill University, Montréal, Quebec, remarked, “Excessive amounts of some herbal medications can have dangerous side effects.”
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“If ingested in excess, products containing liquorice root extract might elevate blood pressure, promote water retention, and lower potassium levels.”
What do other studies say?
64 healthy participants were given either 50g, 100g, or 200g of liquorice every day in a study conducted by Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Sweden and Reykjavik City Hospital in Iceland in 2001.
“Even doses as little as 50g of liquorice… can produce a considerable rise in blood pressure,” the researchers concluded after two weeks.
Another case study published in Endocrine Abstracts related consuming five cups of liquorice tea per day to lowering blood pressure.
Liquorice root capsules can be taken as a supplement, but a cup of liquorice tea or even a handful of sweets may also be useful, according to Holland and Barrett.
“However, don’t overdo it – excessive consumption might elevate your blood pressure to dangerous levels,” the health organisation says.
Other useful hints
“Drinking too much alcohol on a regular basis might raise your blood pressure over time,” the NHS warns.
Staying within the recommended levels is therefore the best way to reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure.
According to UK rules, you should:
- Men and women are recommended not to consume more than 14 units per week on a regular basis.
- If you consume up to 14 units each week, spread it out across three days or more.
How to Obtain a Test
The only method to determine if your blood pressure is too high is to have it checked.
The NHS recommends that all persons over the age of 40 have their blood pressure checked at least once every five years.
Your blood pressure can be checked in a variety of locations, including:
- At your doctor’s office
- In a few pharmacies,
- As part of your NHS Health Check, you’ll be asked to fill out a questionnaire.
- In some places of work.