Morning sickness is one of the most famous and dreaded early pregnancy symptoms. It’s believed that the sudden rise in hormones such as HCG and estrogen is the culprit behind those first trimester runs for the restroom.
Over the years, people have developed theories about morning sickness that have no factual basis, but these myths are spread as common knowledge regardless of their truth value.
The majority of pregnancies will result in some form of morning sickness, so it’s important to know what’s fact and what’s fiction. Here are seven morning sickness myths that might make you lose your lunch.
Morning sickness only happens in the morning
One of the most common myths about morning sickness stems from the name itself. While many people will experience morning sickness when they first wake up, the sick feeling can happen at any time during the day or can last all day long for some.
Every pregnancy results in morning sickness
While about 70% of pregnancies will result in morning sickness, not everyone will experience it. If you don’t experience morning sickness or if it suddenly disappears, there’s nothing to worry about. You’re part of the lucky sector of the population who can satisfy your pregnancy cravings without fear of reprisal.
Morning sickness results in a malnourished baby
Typical morning sickness will not harm your baby in any way. Many people believe that vomiting takes vital nutrients from the baby, which may be true in extreme cases.
As long as you take a prenatal vitamin, eat small snacks and meals throughout the day, and stay hydrated, your baby will receive all the nutrients they need to thrive.
Morning sickness means that you’re having a boy
This superstition is a widely-known old wives’ tale. Morning sickness is not an indicator of the sex of your baby.
You have to suffer through morning sickness until it goes away
Too many pregnant women believe that they have to suffer through their morning sickness until it disappears on its own, which is far from true.
There are several over-the-counter medicines and herbal remedies that are great for easing the symptoms of morning sickness.
One of the most common medicinal treatments is taking vitamin B6 and Unisom together. Your OB/GYN can prescribe medicines like Zofran in cases of extreme sickness.
Some holistic at-home remedies include eating snake fruit, drinking peppermint tea, or even wearing a sea sickness band.
Morning sickness disappears after the first trimester
Most people will experience morning sickness around weeks five or six, and it usually disappears by weeks twelve to fourteen. But that isn’t the case for every pregnancy.
Many people will experience some variation of morning sickness throughout the entire pregnancy, so don’t be alarmed if your nausea sticks with you for longer than your meals do.
You should avoid eating to keep from being sick
This is the exact opposite of what is healthy for you and your baby. Having an empty stomach during pregnancy causes nausea and vomiting just as much as eating does.
For the health of yourself and your baby, you should eat several small meals and snacks throughout the day and focus on staying as hydrated as possible.
Final thoughts
Morning sickness is an expectation in the majority of pregnancies. Knowing the myths about morning sickness can help you stay informed as you weather the bun in the oven blues.